You seem to misunderstand the relationship between Perl 5 and Perl 6 (which is understandable as it was badly communicated).
Perl 6 was announced (in 2000) as a project to build the new version of Perl. At some point, that relationship was redefined and Perl 6 was to be a new language in the Perl family.
In December 2015, the first version of Perl 6 was released. In 2018, it was decided that Perl 6 was different enough to Perl 5 that it needed its own name. The language was therefore renamed to Raku.
Perl 5 continues to be developed, with new releases each year (currently 5.34) and discussions ongoing about what a "Perl 7" might look like.
Raku also continues to be developed. So I'm not sure where you got the idea that Perl 6 development was halted.